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PLA speeds up power grid construction for border and coastal defense forces

时间:2020-06-14 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
The Logistic Support Department of the Central Military Commission (CMC) and the National Energy Administration jointly took measures to accelerate the second batch of grid construction projects for border and coastal defense forces, and provide electrical support for combat readiness training and b
Photo: China Daily

By Sun Xingwei and Zhu Haijun

BEIJING, June 11 -- The Logistic Support Department of the Central Military Commission (CMC) and the National Energy Administration jointly took measures to accelerate the second batch of grid construction projects for border and coastal defense forces, and provide electrical support for combat readiness training and border and coastal defense construction.

Since 2016, relevant military units and local authorities have actively promoted the grid construction for border and coastal defense forces, relying on China’s new rounds of rural power grid renovation and upgrade. The first batch of grid construction projects for border and coastal defense forces was completed ahead of schedule, which solved the problem of electricity shortage in more than 200 plateau and island border posts. With the continuous extension of the large power grid and the improvement of power supply conditions, the second batch of projects is currently being implemented. Such projects will connect the power grid or build new energy power generation systems for the border and coastal defense forces having no access to municipal electricity.  

In addition, for the newly added grid connectivity requirements due to the adjustment of the troops, local energy authorities and grid companies will cooperate with them to meet their electricity consumption needs to the greatest extent.

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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