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China' s top military disciplinary organ establishes special supervisor system

时间:2020-07-09 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
A total of 50 service members, including elite officers, soldiers, military experts and scholars were recently appointed as the first batch of special supervisors of the Commission for Discipline Inspection under the Central Military Commission (CMC).

By Xie Xiaoping and Ma Chao

BEIJING, July 2 -- A total of 50 service members, including elite officers, soldiers, military experts and scholars were recently appointed as the first batch of special supervisors of the Commission for Discipline Inspection under the Central Military Commission (CMC).

The establishment of such a special supervisor system aims to strengthen the supervision and restriction on the operation of law enforcement power in the military. Meanwhile, the move will also serve to broaden the channels for military discipline supervision and inspection departments to be engaged with the masses and listen to their opinions.

The newly-released Work Procedures For Special Supervisors (Trial) clarifies the functions, rights, and obligations of the special supervisors, and stipulates that they will mainly supervise the performance of the discipline supervision and inspection authorities and staffs, as well as provide advice and suggestions and collect the views of military members.

It is learned that, to facilitate the work of special supervisors, the Commission for Discipline Inspection under the CMC has established a daily contact mechanism to deal with relevant issues in a timely manner, collect suggestions and give feedback on handling results.

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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