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1.65m HK people sign petition against foreign meddling

时间:2020-07-09 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
More than 1.65 million Hong Kong residents signed an online petition against foreign interference led by the United States in national security legislation for the special administrative region.
Representatives of a local alliance rally outside the US Consulate General in Hong Kong and Macao on Thursday, opposing US and foreign forces meddling in China's internal affairs. [PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY]

More than 1.65 million Hong Kong residents signed an online petition against foreign interference led by the United States in national security legislation for the special administrative region.

Claiming that the new law will deprive Hong Kong of its autonomy from the rest of China, Washington has revoked the city's special trade status under US law, ending defense exports and restricting Hong Kong's access to its high-technology products.

The petition — which ended on Thursday, two days after the legislation took effect — was organized by the United Front Supporting the National Security Law — an association comprising cross-sector civic leaders.

Representatives of the group marched to the US Consulate General Hong Kong and Macao on Thursday afternoon to hand in the petition, but consulate staff refused to accept it.

Meeting the press outside the consulate, Stanley Ng Chau-pei, president of the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions, the city's largest labor group, said US politicians were "shameful hypocrites" for showing double standards on Hong Kong's national security legislation.

With more than 20 national security laws in force, the US has repeatedly criticized Beijing for enacting the national security law for the HKSAR.

On the same occasion, Brave Chan Yung, a Hong Kong deputy to the National People's Congress, said that the US is in no position to make accusations over the national security law for the SAR — which is solely China's internal affair.

"US politicians have absolutely no right to interfere in Hong Kong's affairs. I hope the Hong Kong community can unite and say 'no' to foreign meddling," Chan added.

Echoing Chan, lawmaker Holden Chow Ho-ding, said the security law was enacted to protect the interest of Hong Kong people and the nation.

Chow, who is also vice-president of the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong, the city's largest political party, urged the US to stop criticizing the law and destabilizing the city.

Lawmaker Elizabeth Quat Pui-fan told reporters the US, which is now plagued by social unrest, was on shaky ground when meddling in other nation's affairs.

Following the death of African American George Floyd in police custody, nationwide anti-racism protests erupted in the US in June. These have spread to some European cities.

"Don't assume you are a global policeman," Quat said, in reference to the US. "Focus on your own business and keep your hands off Hong Kong!"

Another petition in support of the new law launched by the group garnered nearly 3 million signatures in eight days.


(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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