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Xi exchanges letters with Argentine president over fight against pandemic, bilateral cooperation

时间:2020-07-09 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
Chinese President Xi Jinping recently exchanged letters with his Argentine counterpart, Alberto Fernandez, to compare notes on jointly fighting the COVID-19 epidemic and boosting practical cooperation in all fields.

BEIJING, July 7 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping recently exchanged letters with his Argentine counterpart, Alberto Fernandez, to compare notes on jointly fighting the COVID-19 epidemic and boosting practical cooperation in all fields.

In his letter, Xi stressed that in the face of the coronavirus disease, the Chinese and Argentine people have been helping and supporting each other and demonstrated their deep friendship.

Both China and Latin American countries, including Argentina, are now facing the formidable task of combating the virus while stabilizing their economy and protecting people's livelihoods, Xi said, adding that China is willing to continue carrying out active anti-epidemic cooperation with Argentina and offer as much help as it can.

Xi stressed that China firmly supports Argentina's efforts in safeguarding national stability and development, and stands ready to deepen bilateral friendly exchanges and practical cooperation and to push for greater development of the China-Argentina comprehensive strategic partnership.

For his part, Fernandez expressed appreciation for the tremendous efforts the Chinese government and people have made in combating COVID-19 and the leading role they have played in the international fight against the pandemic, especially the helping hand China has given to Argentina.

True friendship stands out in time of adversity, he said, adding that at this special moment his country has strongly felt the profoundness of the friendship between Argentina and China.


(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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