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Chinese peacekeeping engineers restore main street for university in South Sudan

时间:2020-07-11 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
The 10th Chinese peacekeeping engineering contingent to South Sudan (Wau) recently restored the main street in the University of Northern Bahr El-Ghazal. The teachers and students of the university expressed sincere thanks for this.
The picture shows the road construction site. (Photo by Zhang Chi)

By Zhang Chi

WAU, South Sudan, July 7 -- The 10th Chinese peacekeeping engineering contingent to South Sudan (Wau) recently restored the main street in the University of Northern Bahr El-Ghazal. The teachers and students of the university expressed sincere thanks for this.

The University of Northern Bahr El-Ghazal is located in suburban Aweil. Due to flat terrain, the campus often saw a lot of ponded water during the rainy season, which seriously affected the regular operation of the university.

Upon the request, the peacekeepers and construction machinery were immediately sent to the site. After five days, they completed the laying of drainage pipelines and road leveling, which effectively solved the problem of poor drainage on the campus.

"It is obligatory to tackle practical troubles for local people," said Song Yanyong, captain of the engineering contingent. The peacekeepers also helped local people dig water wells and build football fields, winning wide acclaims from local government and people.

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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