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PLA General Hospital completes first domestic robot-assisted TKR

时间:2020-07-15 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 世界军事网 Source:http://www.df81.cn
Robot-assisted artificial joint replacement surgery is a frontier topic of medical research both at home and abroad. In this operation, a type of orthopedic surgical robot developed by China was used for the first time.

By Kong Xiangpeng and Luo Guojin

BEIJING, July 13 -- It’s learned from the People’s liberation Army General Hospital(PLAGH) that Professor Chen Jiying and Associate Professor Chai Wei, together with their team under the hospital’s department of orthopedics, have successfully completed a case of robot-assisted total knee replacement (TKR) surgery with China's homegrown robot, marking an innovative breakthrough in the field of domestic robot-assisted surgery.  

Robot-assisted artificial joint replacement surgery is a frontier topic of medical research both at home and abroad. In this operation, a type of orthopedic surgical robot developed by China was used for the first time.

Experts from the PLAGH’s department of orthopedics have participated in the whole process of the robot’s development. More than 500 preliminary tests were carried out to ensure its stability, safety, and accuracy in clinical applications.

As one of the earliest hospitals in China to carry out robot-assisted joint replacement surgery, the PLAGH’s department of orthopedics has successfully completed the world's first 5G technology-guided robot-assisted total hip replacement surgery.

So far, they have completed nearly 400 robot-assisted joint replacement surgeries, accounting for more than one-third of the total number of similar surgeries in China.

(Responsible editor:世界军事网)

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