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China rejects Japan's protests against CCG patrol in waters off Diaoyu Islands

时间:2020-07-24 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
According to Japanese media report, Chinese coast guard ships have been patrolling in waters off Diaoyu Islands for 100 consecutive days, setting a record for the longest consecutive cruising period of time since Japan's so-called nationalization of Diaoyu Islands in September 2012.
Diaoyu Islands(photo file from Xinhua)

BEIJING, July 23 -- According to Japanese media report, Chinese coast guard ships have been patrolling in waters off Diaoyu Islands for 100 consecutive days, setting a record for the longest consecutive cruising period of time since Japan's so-called nationalization of Diaoyu Islands in September 2012.

It is also reported that Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Suga Yoshihide declared at a press conference on the morning of July 22 that "in addition to sending a patrol ship to the sea waters where the incident occurred, the Japanese side has also lodged solemn representations to China through the diplomatic channel".

In response to Japan's protest, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference on July 22 that the Diaoyu Islands and its affiliated islands have been China's inherent territory since ancient times.

The patrol and enforcement of law by the CCG vessels in waters off Diaoyu Islands is China's inherent right. China do not accept Japan's so-called "protest", Wang Wenbin stressed.

Wang also emphasized that the two sides should act in accordance with the four-point principled consensus, properly manage the situation and prevent the escalation of tensions.


(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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