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China urges US to stop vicious attack on its military-civilian integrated policy

时间:2020-07-26 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
China’s military-civilian integrated development policy is aimed at effectively integrating military and civilian resources and is aboveboard and blameless. The US should immediately stop deliberate provocations and vicious attacks against China.

BEIJING, July 24 –Spokesperson of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference on July 23rd that China’s military-civilian integrated development policy is aimed at effectively integrating military and civilian resources and is aboveboard and blameless. The US should immediately stop deliberate provocations and vicious attacks against China.

When being asked about a recent tweet of the US Department of State, alleging that China is seeking to build the military by so-called exploiting American research institutions, academia, and private firms for their key technologies, Wang Wenbin pointed out, “China has stated its position on this issue repeatedly. Lately the US has been keen on misrepresenting and smearing China's military-civilian integration policy, employing moral hijack, political pressure and even threat of sanctions against Chinese and American businesses and researchers. China deplores and rejects this. " 

He expressed that it is a customary international practice to promote integrated military and civilian development. It is no exception for the US, which began such practices dating back to before WWI and has been pursuing all-dimension and all-sector integration at an even faster pace in recent years. The US allegation against China is typical double standards by forbidding others to do what it is doing itself. Its true purpose is to create excuses to justify a high-tech blockage against China. The root of this is the Cold War mentality the US still clings to as it attempts to contain China's development. It goes against the spirit of international cooperation and the trend of the times and will eventually damage the interests of China, the US and the whole world, he added.

At last, he reiterated that China's military-civilian integration policy is aimed at effectively mobilizing military and civilian resources, coordinating socioeconomic growth and national defense development, and benefiting the public with scientific and technological progress. China’s scientific progress is achieved with the Chinese people's industry and innovation. US should immediately stop deliberate provocations and malicious denigration against China, and return to the right track of win-win cooperation.


(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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