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PLA brigade improves battlefield support efficiency via data flow

时间:2020-08-07 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
In a recent live-fire exercise, the logistic support department of a brigade under the PLA 79th Group Army greatly reduced the fuel supplement time for troops in maneuver, through coordinated multi-dimensional supply.

BEIJING, Aug. 5 -- In a recent live-fire exercise, the logistic support department of a brigade under the PLA 79th Group Army greatly reduced the fuel supplement time for troops in maneuver, through coordinated multi-dimensional supply.

With the help of real-time data flow, the brigade’s logistic support department only dispatched part of its personnel to respond to the troops’ demands in the exercise for materials, fuels and equipment and achieved a high efficiency.

According to Zhang Guo, a quartermaster of the brigade, the logistics and armament supply data of the whole brigade is updated in real time during the exercise, providing the quartermasters with various information on hydrological situation, weather conditions, transportation and terrain conditions in battlefield, as well as the updates on equipment performance, material consumption and battle damage.

It’s said that to ensure precise deployment of resources and efficient supply delivery in the battlefield, the brigade in recent years conducted in-depth research on its various battlefield support demands, established data link allowing information exchange among all logistics and armament support commanding platforms, combat units and support units, and realized multilayer integration of various links and elements.


(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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