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More national flags to fly in China: draft law amendment

时间:2020-08-09 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
Chinese national flags will be flying in more places in the country including compounds of Party and state organs, schools and public cultural facilities, according to a draft law amendment.

BEIJING, Aug. 8 (Xinhua) -- Chinese national flags will be flying in more places in the country including compounds of Party and state organs, schools and public cultural facilities, according to a draft law amendment.

Chinese lawmakers Saturday started deliberating two draft amendments to the National Flag Law and the National Emblem Law at an ongoing session of the National People's Congress Standing Committee.

The updates, the first in about 10 years, were proposed to foster a social atmosphere of respecting and cherishing the national symbols and reinforce patriotism, said an explanatory document presented to lawmakers.

According to the draft amendment to the National Flag Law, in addition to governments, legislatures, courts, procuratorates and other organs that were already covered by the law, committees of the Communist Party of China, Party disciplinary organs and supervisory commissions at all levels shall display the national flag daily or on working days.

Non-Communist parties and people's organizations shall display the national flag on working days, said the draft.

The draft encourages public cultural facilities including libraries, museums and art galleries to display the national flag on opening days.

On important commemoration days, such as National Day, National Constitution Day and Martyrs' Day, residential compounds, residential buildings, public squares, parks and other premises for public activities shall display the national flag when conditions permit, according to the draft.

In regulating the use of the national flag, the draft prohibits displaying the national flag upside down or in other ways that diminish the dignity of the flag. Discarding the national flag is also banned.

Education on the national flag will be incorporated into the patriotism education of full-time schools, while media outlets are required to publicize national flag knowledge.

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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