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Chinese airborne troops for Int'l Army Games 2020 conduct training in Russia

时间:2020-08-21 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
Chinese airborne troops participating in the Airborne Platoon contest of International Army Games (IAG) 2020 came to a shooting range in Pskov Oblast, Russia, to carry out adaptive training with the Russian coaches on August 17.
The combat vehicle quickly passes the rutted bridge. Photo by Shuai Shaopeng

MOSCOW, Aug 18 -- Chinese airborne troops participating in the Airborne Platoon contest of International Army Games (IAG) 2020 came to a shooting range in Pskov Oblast, Russia, to carry out adaptive training with the Russian coaches on August 17.

The Russian military personnel introduced the basic operation and safety precautions of the combat vehicles, and then handed over the weapons and equipment that are going to be used in the competition. The Chinese team members were trained in three groups consisted of commanders, gunners and drivers respectively.

Shi Weixin, one of the Chinese drivers, said, "Today, it is the first time for me to use a Russian combat vehicle for driving training. It is quite different from ours. The time is limited, so it is really a challenge for me."

It is learnt that the combat vehicle competition is the focus of the Airborne Platoon contest, concerning three courses including Individual Vehicle Race, Vehicle Chasing Race and Vehicle Relay Race, which account for one third of the total number of courses in the competition. The race fully tests the rapid mobility and precise shooting capabilities of the combat vehicle team.

This year, the Chinese participating teams will use Russian vehicles to compete for the first time. To adapt to the Russian vehicles and the competition venue as soon as possible, the Chinese participating service members are seriously studying the performance of the vehicles and exploring effective training methods to lay a solid foundation for the coming competition.

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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