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US should view China's growth with rational mind: Defense Spokesperson

时间:2020-08-28 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
Senior Colonel Wu Qian, a spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense of China, urged the US to view China's growth with a rational mind, while making comments on the current China-US military ties and the future high-level military exchanges during a press conference on Thursday.

BEIJING, Aug, 27 -- Senior Colonel Wu Qian, a spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense of China, urged the US to view China's growth with a rational mind, while making comments on the current China-US military ties and the future high-level military exchanges during a press conference on Thursday.

“The current China-US relations are facing an extremely severe and complicated situation since the establishment of diplomatic relations,” commented Snr. Col. Wu, “For some time recently, the US has been constantly making provocations, which seriously undermines China's sovereignty and security, as well as the relations between the two countries and two militaries.”

On this point, Wu said that China will neither dance to the US tune nor allow the US to mess about. “China has taken strong measures to firmly defend its national sovereignty, security, and development interests.”

Wu believed that currently the Chinese and US militaries must maintain communication. “The two sides should work together towards the same goal and step up crisis communication to effectively prevent risks, so as to promote and maintain the overall stability of mil-to-mil relations,” he continued.

At the same time, he urged the US side to take a real strategic vision, view China's development with an open and rational mind, and get out of the quagmire of anxiety and entanglement.

“As for the high-level exchanges between the two militaries, the defense departments of the two countries have maintained communication and coordination on this issue. I hope that the US side will take concrete measures to create a positive and favorable atmosphere for visit,” Wu added.

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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