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Chinese peacekeepers to Sudan conduct friendly exchanges with Pakistani counterparts

时间:2020-09-07 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
After the completion of mission handover of China's 16th peacekeeping engineer contingent to Darfur, Sudan, several service members of the Pakistani peacekeeping infantry battalion, led by its deputy commander, visited the Chinese barrack in Al Fashir recently.
Chinese and Pakistani peacekeepers conduct exchanges. Photo by Wan Duanwu.

By Li Hui

AL FASHIR, SUDAN, Sept. 7 -- After the completion of mission handover of China's 16th peacekeeping engineer contingent to Darfur, Sudan, several service members of the Pakistani peacekeeping infantry battalion, led by its deputy commander, visited the Chinese barrack in Al Fashir recently. The two sides discussed the current severe epidemic prevention and regional security situation in the mission area and exchanged ideas on how to carry out the epidemic prevention and defense missions in the future. 

It is reported that the Chinese peacekeeping engineer detachment and the Pakistani infantry battalion are neighbors in the Al Fashir Super Camp. The Pakistani commander said that it is a great honor to be able to maintain peace in Sudan shoulder to shoulder with Chinese peacekeepers and they are willing to contribute to the friendship between China and Pakistan for generations.

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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