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Chinese peacekeeping contingent to Lebanon carries out construction task along the Blue Line

时间:2020-09-14 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
The 19th batch of Chinese peacekeeping multifunctional engineer contingent to Lebanon started its first construction task along the Blue Line on the Lebanon and Israel border based on the annual construction plan of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), on September 9, local time.
Chinese peacekeepers use an excavator to build a drainage system.

By Liu Xiongma and Huang Liming

BEIRUT, Sept. 11 -- To improve the patrolling conditions during rainy season and provide convenience for local people's daily commute, the 19th batch of Chinese peacekeeping multifunctional engineer contingent to Lebanon started its first construction task along the Blue Line on the Lebanon and Israel border based on the annual construction plan of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), on September 9, local time.

The construction site is located near the Blue Line, where Lebanon and Israel planted tens of thousands of mines during the war time. The mountains on both sides of the road are blocked by barbed wire. Red triangle warning signs with skulls can be seen everywhere. Construction work is difficult and highly risky.

A Chinese peacekeeper performs mechanical operations.

Before the mission, the contingent had conducted three engineering surveys on two patrol roads with members from the Irish-Polish barracks. They have fully studied and judged the topography of the mission area, the distribution of minefields, social conditions, pandemic condition and other real-life safety risks, and finally determined plans for construction and safety defense.

At the construction site, the security teams of the contingent performed duty at security posts in key locations, to ensure that emergencies can be detected and dealt with as soon as possible.

A Chinese peacekeeping soldier refines drainage system.


(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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