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China steadily deepens reforms on national defense and armed forces

时间:2020-10-26 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
In mid-November 2018, the Central Military Commission held the working conference on reforming military policies and institutions in Beijing, kicking off this critical battle. What progress has been achieved in the third major battle up to now?

By Zhang Kejin

The reform of military policies and institutions is considered as the "third major battle" in deepening reforms on national defense and armed forces, following the reform of leadership and command system and the reform of size, structure and force composition of the Chinese armed forces. In mid-November 2018, the Central Military Commission (CMC) held the working conference on reforming military policies and institutions in Beijing, kicking off this critical battle.

What progress has been achieved in the "third major battle" up to now?

As of mid-October this year, according to the Office for Reform and Organizational Structure of the CMC, a series of policies and systems have been promulgated, including the Communist Party of China regulations on Party building within the military, opinions on comprehensive and in-depth implementation of the CMC Chairman responsibility system and the Law on the People's Armed Police Force. The formulation of trunk policies and institutions in the areas of joint operations, military training, logistics, and armaments is underway. It is expected to establish a basic framework for the system of socialist military policies and institutions with Chinese characteristics within this year.

A list of policies and institutions in urgent need was released four days after the policies and institutions reform working conference was held. Twenty-seven policies and institutions were listed, including those on strengthening the Party organization building, selection and exchange of cadres in the organs of PLA theater commands, improvement of relevant policies on the troops stationed on plateau and islands, scientific and technological innovation incentives, the management of the employment contract of civilian personnel, the medical support of military personnel and their families, etc..

The formulation of all the policies and institutions in the list were completed within just over six months.

Policies and institutions conducive to consolidating the morale and releasing the vitality of the troops have brought more sense of gain to all the officers and soldiers of the PLA in the past few years.

Not long ago, after going through assessments and selections of different levels, a group of staff officers who had attended training courses at the PLA National Defense University were promoted from troops units of services and arms to the commanding centers of different strategic directions. At the same time, many responsible officers working in the organs of various theater commands became commanders of combat units of the PLA after passing the joint operations commanding competence assessment.

 The timely promulgation of the interim measures for the selection and exchange of officers in theater command organs and other related policies and institutions has facilitated deepening the depth and improving the mobility of the PLA's joint operations “talent pool” , a theater command leader said.


(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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