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China releases guidelines on national security education

时间:2020-10-30 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 世界军事网 Source:http://www.df81.cn
China's Ministry of Education has unveiled guidelines on national security education to foster students' awareness of safeguarding national security.

BEIJING, Oct. 28 (Xinhua) -- China's Ministry of Education has unveiled guidelines on national security education to foster students' awareness of safeguarding national security.

The guidelines required schools and universities to launch courses teaching students about the national interests in various areas, threats to national security and ways to safeguard the national interests.

In the guidelines, the ministry highlighted lectures and experiential learning in national security education as supplements to in-class study. It also encouraged the use of social resources including educational venues, professional institutions and businesses in sectors related to national security.

The move aims to encourage students to become more engaged with national security matters, according to the guidelines.

(Responsible editor:世界军事网)

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