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South China Sea not an arena for major-power wrestling: Defense Spokesperson

时间:2021-01-14 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
The South China Sea should be neither an arena for major-power wrestling nor a sea dominated by warships, a Chinese defense spokesperson said on Thursday.

BEIJING, Dec. 31 -- The South China Sea should be neither an arena for major-power wrestling nor a sea dominated by warships, a Chinese defense spokesperson said on Thursday.

According to foreign media reports, the British Royal Navy announced that it would deploy its aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth to the South China Sea early next year.

When asked for comments, Senior Colonel Tan Kefei, a spokesperson for China's Ministry of National Defense, told a regular press conference that some countries outside the region come from afar to flex their military muscles, ignite confrontations, and create tensions in the South China Sea, which is the root reason for the “militarization” of this region.

"At present, the situation in the South China Sea maintains overall stability thanks to the joint efforts of China and ASEAN countries. The Chinese military will take necessary measures to resolutely safeguard China’s sovereignty, security and development interests and maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea region," Tan said.

According to other media reports, a NATO report released in early December claimed that China's rise posed challenges to the security of NATO.

China strongly opposes groundless and false accusations from the report, responded Tan. China pursues a national defense policy that is defensive in nature and advocates common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security. China's defense build-up and development has always been an addition to the global force for peace, and the Chinese military has always been a staunch force for world peace and stability.

"You see but your shadow when you turn your back to the sun. We hope relevant parties will broaden their vision, discard prejudices and establish correct views on China and security, and hold a rational attitude towards the development of China and the Chinese military," Tan added.


(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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