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China's WJ-700 UAV makes maiden flight

时间:2021-01-14 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 世界军事网 Source:http://www.df81.cn
The maiden flight of WJ-700, a high-altitude, high-speed, long-endurance integrated unmanned air vehicle (UAV) capable of surveillance and strike, was successfully conducted on January 11.
File photoshows China’s WJ-700 UAV. (Photo Credit: CASIC)

By Guo Chaokai

BEIJING, Jan. 13 -- The maiden flight of WJ-700, a high-altitude, high-speed, long-endurance integrated unmanned air vehicle (UAV) capable of surveillance and strike, was successfully conducted on January 11, according to its developer, China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC).

Adopting multiple advanced technologies, the WJ-700 UAV is in a leading position at home and internationally advanced in terms of key performance indicators such as flight time, range and payload, compared with UAVs of the same take-off weight.

Focusing on both domestic and international market needs in the next 5 to 10 years, the WJ-700is characterized by high altitude, high speed and high payload capability. It can perform a wide range of tasks on risky battlefields,including air-to-ground standoff strikes, air-to-surface precision strikes, as well as wide-area surveillance.

As a hit product among the advanced UAVs developed by the CASIC, the WJ-700 is currently unique at home and rarely seen in the world for its performance. It is sure to create new modes of UAV-involved operations, and is to go into combat with the completion of subsequent system-level tests and verifications.


(Responsible editor:世界军事网)

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