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Military medical forum on NBC protection held in Beijing

时间:2021-01-20 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 世界军事网 Source:http://www.df81.cn
Recently, the Fifth Medical Center of the Chinese PLA General Hospital hosted a military medical forum on protection against nuclear, biological and chemical weapons.

The above picture shows the conference scene. (Photo by Chen Aiping)

By Gao Xudong and Chen Yan

BEIJING, Jan. 14 -- Recently, the Fifth Medical Center of the Chinese PLA General Hospital hosted a military medical forum on protection against nuclear, biological and chemical weapons (NBC).

It is learnt that the Center is the only strategic unit in Chinese military that undertakes NBC medical rescue missions. A total of 25 experts from medical institutions inside and outside the Chinese military and over 150 representatives in the field of liver diseases attended the meeting.

The meeting focused on the characteristics of biological agent-related injury under the new international situation, the new changes in the development of military NBC protection, the latest progress in Hepatology and the reorganization of advantageous subjects. The meeting covered five major topics, namely, future battlefield and military medicine, modern futuristic technology and NBC protection, tumor molecules and immunotherapy, transformation of traditional treatment for liver diseases, and new technologies and developments in liver disease treatment.

It is said that extensive and in-depth discussions and exchanges have been conducted at the meeting, which would greatly contribute to the efficient integration of cutting-edge science and technology with clinical treatment and military medical service.

(Responsible editor:世界军事网)

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