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Chinese peacekeeping contingent in Lebanon shares anti-pandemic experience with UNIFIL

时间:2021-01-20 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 世界军事网 Source:http://www.df81.cn
At the invitation of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), the 19th Chinese peacekeeping multi-function engineering contingent to Lebanon shared pandemic prevention and control experience and measures via video link with medical personnel in the mission area on January 13.

Liu Xiongma, Zhuang Xiaohao

BEIRUT, Jan. 15 -- At the invitation of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), the 19th Chinese peacekeeping multi-function engineering contingent to Lebanon shared pandemic prevention and control experience and measures via video link with medical personnel in the mission area on January 13.

At the video conference, the contingent introduced more than 30 anti-pandemic measures and rules, including classified and zoned prevention and control, routine sterilization, temperature measuring of the peacekeepers, and disinfection of outgoing personnel and vehicles. Then a Q&A section was organized for the foreign peacekeepers to know more about the Chinese contingent's experience.

"Your pandemic prevention and control measures are great and informative," said the UNIFIL chief medical officer after hearing the presentation from the Chinese contingent.

"Effective pandemic prevention and control measures can keep the peacekeeping troops safe and stable," said Mu Yu, commander of the service support company under the Chinese peacekeeping contingent.

He added that the contingent, according to the task needs and actual conditions, has built living cabins integrating multiple functions, such as accommodation, cooking, showering, toilet and power supply, to reinforce prevention and control, which could reduce the peacekeepers’ contact with the outside during the mission implementation and minimize the risk of getting infected.

"Thanks to the cabin, the Chinese peacekeepers have a lower possibility of infection even if they are carrying out peacekeeping tasks faraway," Mu said.

According to Meng Zhuolin, head of the construction company, the contingent has completed 16 engineering tasks and 13 temporary tasks with high standards, including patrolling along the Blue Line, repairing roads, and maintaining defense projects at the friendly forces' barracks.


(Responsible editor:世界军事网)

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