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Ecuador awards Chinese military doctors "Star of the Armed Forces"

时间:2021-01-20 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 世界军事网 Source:http://www.df81.cn
The Command of Ecuadorian Army held an award ceremony at the Ecuadorian army's War College on January 16, 2020. Four military doctors from the 15th batch of the Chinese PLA's medical team to Ecuador were awarded the Medal of Honor -- Star of the Armed Forces.

By Hao Yunfu

QUITO, Jan. 18 -- The Command of Ecuadorian Army held an award ceremony at the Ecuadorian army's War College on January 16, 2020. Four military doctors from the 15th batch of the Chinese PLA's medical team to Ecuador, Liao Junning, Zhou Bin, Zhang Hui and Liu Huan, were awarded the Medal of Honor -- "Star of the Armed Forces", in recognition of their contributions to consolidating the friendship between the two countries and the two militaries and to improving the level of medical treatment and training medical personnel in Ecuador.

The Ecuadorian army commander spoke highly of the outstanding performance of the Chinese military medical team during their work in Ecuador. These military doctors were deeply appreciated for risking their lives to assist Ecuador in fighting against the COVID-19 pandemic, which demonstrated the Chinese military doctors' extraordinary dedication and professionalism.

Liao Junning, commanding officer of the Chinese medical team, said at the award ceremony that the Chinese medical members have witnessed the heroic fight against the COVID-19 pandemic by the Ecuadorian people and military. It was a great honor for the Chinese medical team to overcome all kinds of difficulties and actively participate in their battle against the pandemic.

The Chief of Staff of the Army and other high-ranking Ecuadorian general officers, as well as the defense attaché of the Chinese Embassy in Ecuador Tu Fachao, also attended the ceremony.

The 15th batch of the Chinese PLA's medical team to Ecuador will head back to China on February 1 after a 14-month foreign aid mission.


(Responsible editor:世界军事网)

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