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Revisiting Wuhan: The key role Huoshenshan Hospital played in fight against COVID-19

时间:2021-01-29 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
During the height of the epidemic in Wuhan last year, Huoshenshan Hospital captured headlines around the world. The 1,000-bed hospital was built in only a matter of days. Construction started on January 24 and ended by February 2. Zhao Yunfei speaks with the project manager, who recalls the pressure

During the height of the epidemic in Wuhan last year, Huoshenshan Hospital captured headlines around the world. The 1,000-bed hospital was built in only a matter of days. Construction started on January 24 and ended by February 2. Zhao Yunfei speaks with the project manager, who recalls the pressure and pride, he experienced.

FENG HUAJUN Construction Project Manager, Huoshenshan Hospital "We think the hospital has a life of its own. When we were building it, we put our heart and soul into the process. The hospital contains a life of its own, because every part of the building holds so many special memories for us.

"We started to build it just six hours after the first meeting. All the environmental requirements, technical requirements, and epidemic prevention requirements were all set to the highest standard. We had to complete a high-standard hospital in ten days, and to complete Leishenshan Hospital in 12 days, so we were under a lot of stress.

"When building this hospital, we were given tremendous support from other cities. A lot of people volunteered to come help, which was very inspiring. During the peak period, more than ten thousand migrant workers came from all around China to help with the construction. It was during the Lunar New Year.

"The epidemic control measures were also strict at that time. The fact that we were able to organize all these domestic resources reflects our national strength."

ZHAO YUNFEI Wuhan, Hubei Province "Military freight planes from the People's Liberation Army have arrived here at Wuhan Tianhe International Airport. They're carrying some medical supplies to support the city. Soon they will get transferred to the newly built Huoshenshan Hospital, which is ready to hand over to the army."

MA LING Military Medical Team Member "Our nation needs us now, and this is so we can prove the true value of this army. We don't want our citizens to undergo difficulties, but whenever our citizens are experiencing difficulty, we will always have their backs."

FENG HUAJUN Construction Project Manager, Huoshenshan Hospital "As a construction worker, I worked alongside more than ten thousand workers. We feel proud of our effort. This period of construction will inspire us for the rest of our lives. Huoshenshan Hospital and Leishenshan Hospital, they are monuments to Wuhan's fight against the virus.

"It's a very iconic monument, symbolizing the strength of our city, our province and our nation as a whole, fighting against the virus together until the final triumph."

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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