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PLA Navy Chiefs extend Spring Festival greetings to troops on duty

时间:2021-02-16 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
On the afternoon of February 9, the Chinese PLA Navy headquarters in Beijing held a video conference to extend blessings and sincere greetings to the PLA naval troops on duty.

By Sun Luming and Mo Xiaoliang

BEIJING, Feb. 10 -- On the afternoon of February 9, the Chinese PLA Navy headquarters in Beijing held a video conference to extend blessings and sincere greetings to the PLA Navy’s 36th and 37th escort taskforces, the 175th taskforce, the Nansha Garrison troops and the Djibouti Support Base, who are still performing missions during the oncoming Spring Festival.

From February 11, all the Chinese people will enter the holiday season of Spring Festival, the most important traditional festival in China. When all Chinese people look forward to the family reunion, these naval service members are still performing their duties thousands of miles away.

After the handover ceremony between the 36th and 37th escort taskforce last week, the 37th escort taskforce has replaced its predecessor to perform the escort missions, while the 36th escort taskforce set sail for the waters near Karachi, Pakistan, to participate in the upcoming 7th Multinational Maritime Exercise AMAN-2021 without delay. Meanwhile, the PLA Navy's 175th taskforce is also embarking on a far sea journey for training missions.

The PLA Navy’s Nansha Garrison troops are keeping a close eye on the sea and air conditions of the South China Sea, maintaining high-level alert and trying to respond to complex situations cautiously. The troops stationed in the PLA Djibouti Support Base, on the other hand, have successfully carried out multiple support missions for the escort taskforces and peacekeeping troops stationed therein.

"At the moment of bidding 2020 farewell and ushering in the New Year, you are determined to stand your grounds overseas and safeguard the peace of China, the happiness of the Chinese people, and the reunion of thousands of families at home with your practical actions. Your families are proud of you and the Navy pays you its lofty respect," said the PLA naval chiefs via videolink.

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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